Suite à un post vu
ici qui m'a bien fait rigoler, je vous colle une petite histoire que j'ai lu un jour où je m'emerdais.. du coup, ce gars là est devenu un de mes héros !! lol (C'est en anglais comme vous aller le lire... finalement, ce dernier commentaire était comme un peu inutile... genre.)
Based on the message on how to deal with stockbrokers who try to sell you
their garbage by calling you right before lunch break, here is a similar
story based on one very boring afternoon at home with a Long-Distance
(this was done just after AT&T Broke up, some names have been
altered due to poor memory).
Me: Hello?
SM: Hello, I am Gern Blanston representing the Flint Long Distance company.
How are you today, sir?
Me: (bemused) Fine.
SM: May I ask you what type of long distance company you are using?
Me: (now witha devilish grin) Duuuh... I duuno....
SM: You don't know? Well how would you like to be hooked up with the best
sattelite phone network of the 80's? We use-
Me: Duh, sure. Can I call my friend from, uh, far away?
SM: Er, yes. Our long distance service uses the best-
Me: (trying to keep from giggling) He lives in Pango Pango...
SM: Yes, I see. Well you can call your friend overseas at a rate you'll-
Me: He has a lizard you know... his name is Ralph.
SM: I see, well you can-
Me: Ralph the lizard. He is green and sits in a tree.
SM: Well-
Me: A palm tree... with lots of, uh... leaves.SM: (haggardly) Well, you will save money by using our new optical-
Me: Save money? Really?
SM: Of course! And if you-
Me: Well, how much is it per yard?
SM: Pardon me? (really threw him there)
Me: How much is it per yard. Pango Pango is pretty far away from here...
SM: Well, I never really thought about it that way, but I can assure you-
Me: Will you have to drill a hole in my roof?
SM: Ah, no. You see, it works like this-
Me: 'Cause my friend Tom got one of them black dishes that you put on your
roof... and then he fell off and hurt himself real bad...
SM: Well, we don't actually come to your house-
Me: Crushed his wife's poodle. Flattened him right out, he did...
SM: If you could give me a minute to explain the proceess-
Me: Did I tell you I had a friend in Pango Pango?
I kept doing this act for about 20 minutes before the guy just finnaly gave
me his number to call him back. That salesman hung on like a pit bull! I guess
he must have thought I was so stupid, he would eventually sell me something.